
44 Kerale Police have detained numerous people from Other states iduring the NEDresses’ to the sexual assault crime agaiat a minor a naked video of a girl south police officer confirmed This crime accumulation is against a naked video differences in a naked video of a girl to interfere. The polic concepts as issuing a Red Corner Notice through Interpol to look out coutte exist a overearoutside India Indo Korea.

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As per the police, the girl was met by multiple accused at a privately owned bus stand in Pathanamthitta and was driven around in different vehicles to more locations in which the girl faced abuse.

Upon further investigation, it was revealed that the girl was raped around a rubber plantation in Ranni along with three other men after being introduced to them by an acquaintance she met through Instagram. This incident occurred when the girl was in class twelve.

According to the police, it was revealed the girl was given gang rape multiple times. Some instances include rape taking place on a car, and inside a general hospital while 2024 January approached.

Now, the girl is 18 years old and has claimed that in her complaint filled, she has faced sexual abuse since the age of 13 by 62 people.

This case came to light when education workers of the girl’s involved institution informed the Child Welfare Committee for Counselling as they noticed drastic behavioral shifts within the girl.

After viewing the matter, the committee made the police aware of the situation, after which an investigation was started.

The SIT was constituted to encompass all aspects related to the investigation of the incident which was led by Deputy Superintendent of Police, S Nandakumar with the supervision of the District Police Chief, V G Vinod Kumar.

This team incorporates more than thirty police officers of different ranks and also includes women personnel from various police stations.

Ajitha Beegam, DIG has remitted that the SIT will be appointed more once the Sabarimala pilgrimage is over.