Only a few years have passed since the dangerous fear of Corona ended. The memories associated with it still bother people. The corona virus spread from Wuhan city of China had wreaked havoc all over the world. People had not yet recovered from the damage caused by Corona that a dangerous virus has knocked again in China. After 5 years of Corona, now the outbreak of a virus called Human Metapneumovirus (HMPV) is increasing in China. Recently, such news is coming continuously on media and social media that the havoc of HMPV virus is continuously increasing in China. Due to which there is also a shortage of beds in Chinese hospitals. At the same time, some people believe that this virus can cause a serious danger like Corona. In view of the danger of this virus, we spoke to Dr. Saurabh Pahuja, who is a senior consultant doctor in the Department of Pulmonary Medicine at Amrita Hospital in Faridabad. Who told us the symptoms and prevention measures of this virus...
Symptoms of Human Metapneumovirus
Explaining the symptoms of this virus, Dr. Saurabh Pahuja said that the symptoms of this virus i.e. HMPV infection can be quite similar to other common viral infections such as influenza, RSV, or the common cold. A patient may also have fever, cough, cold, body ache, general weakness and respiratory failure in severe cases.
Tips to prevent Human Metapneumovirus
According to Dr. Saurabh Pahuja, the most effective way to prevent this virus infection is to keep yourself isolated. This infection, which spreads like corona, spreads rapidly from one person to another. Therefore, it is important to wear a mask when going to crowded places because these infections spread through contact and respiratory droplets. If a family member has a cold or viral infection, try to keep them isolated. According to health experts, there is no vaccine available for human metapneumovirus right now. Therefore, prevention from this disease is its only treatment.
simple preventive measures
It is important to note that diagnosis of hMPV requires specific testing such as a PCR test. Symptom-based identification is unreliable, but during hMPV outbreaks in the community, targeted testing can confirm infection. This approach to investigation is similar to how surveillance and testing were done during the COVID-19 pandemic. By identifying trends in the community and leveraging diagnostic tools, we can accurately detect the cause of the viral infection.