Mamta Kulkarni on her relationship with Vicky Goswami : Actress Mamta Kulkarni, who was away from India for a long time, has returned to India. At one point in the 90s, Mamta Kulkarni was known as a big actress but she suddenly started getting embroiled in controversies and then she broke ties with the industry and moved abroad. After going abroad, Mamta Kulkarni's name was linked with drug smuggler Vicky Goswami, on which the actress has clarified that Vicky Goswami is not her husband. They have not yet married.
In a recent interview with Network 18, Mamta Kulkarni said, 'I am not married to Vicky. He is not my husband. I am still single. I have not married anyone. I was in a relationship with Vicky for some time but our relationship has broken. I blocked him 4 years ago.'
Mamta Kulkarni pics
Mamta Kulkarni further said, 'Vicky is a good person. He has a good heart. Big people in the film industry used to meet him, during that time I met him. However, I was one of the last people who came in contact with Vicky. When I came to know about his truth, I left him. He is currently in Dubai jail. I was trying to get him out of jail. Vicky came out of jail in 2012 and I met him again in 2016. He is my past, which I have left behind.'
Let us tell you that Vicky Goswami was sentenced to 10 years in jail in 1997 for drug trafficking. According to reports, Mamta Kulkarni used to visit him in jail and during this time both of them got married. Mamta Kulkarni has returned to India after 25 years and she has called the news of her marriage with Vicky a lie.