He further added that, “most people in India do not like their jobs" when he was addressing the Indian working culture.
As per Shantanu, “those who do not like to go back to work the next day, would do so if they were guaranteed financial security and sustenance. “
"To work for western multinationals, work in call centres sectors to selling clothes to farmer jobs to working in a well paid employee friendly subsidy type setups, all these have a difference of 300 rupees," he said.
He went on to criticize India’s wealth inequality by revealing that 2000 people own over half of India’s total wealth and instead paying 1.8 percent tax, he claimed they pay much less than that, despite the fact that exact statistics are not available.
Last but not the least, he stated that it has been a practice for over 250 years now to allow people to work long hours starting from earning a salary around seven in the morning till late at night or sometimes for days and weeks on end.
To make a living, the vast majority of people begin at zero and work hard to support their wife, kids, elderly parents, and dependent siblings. And I guess it’s ok to keep people separated from their homes, families, and loved ones every single day, week and sometimes month into perpetuity with a dangling paycheck knowing people have been doing this for the last 250 years. That’s how cities were developed. So we carry onously neglect ”
“Without a doubt more than a couple of times which is rather rather morally arid but let me get financial ignorance aside the ethics of it is that,” the added point “The main issue for me is India is that wealth of the country is concentrated in places where no one even a close relative actually doesn’t help us at all.” .
In addition, the post claimed, “These families or other ‘equity builders’, including myself however minute, have a most self serving use for us because they manage to convince us that if we want to move up society one has to work hard but come on, what do we know any better, so what is the other alternative?” The post was written further. “We work up to twice as hard if not harder.”
The LinkedIn post has gathered more than three thousand eight hundred reactions and more than two hundred and fifty comments.
A user of Shantanu’s LinkedIn, on the other hand, spoke out against his remarks, arguing, “This is a false statement. Having a job is something which entails a responsibility to keep a person the day and mentally active. Otherwise they would just sit around at home by the couch scrolling through social media on their phones.”
"In many firms, 99% of the office workers or the employees expect to take a day off but that's all. Unfortunately or fortunately a nation is not made by them alone, a nation consists of farmers, teachers, civil engineers, medical workers, people who sell on the street and so on. But believe me or not, the majority of them will still be going in for the work!” Another user argued.