Parliament Session : Union Home Minister Amit Shah responded to the opposition's allegations during the debate on the Constitution in the Rajya Sabha on Tuesday. During this, Amit Shah said that today when we look back after accepting the Constitution after 75 years, I want to thank Sardar Patel that due to his tireless efforts, today the country is united and standing strongly in front of the world.
5th largest economy
Amit Shah said that those who used to say that we will not be able to become economically strong, our people and our Constitution have given them a beautiful answer. Today we stand with respect by becoming the 5th largest economy of the world.
He said that at the position where we stand today, the prophecy of Maharishi Arvind and Swami Vivekananda seems to be coming true that when Mother India will stand in her radiant and powerful form, then the eyes of the world will be dazzled and the entire world will look towards India with light.
Amit Shah said that no one should think that our constitution is a copy of the constitutions of the world. Yes, we have definitely studied every constitution, because it is said in the Rigveda that we should receive goodness from every corner, good thoughts and my mind should be open to accept good thoughts. We have taken the best, but we have not abandoned our traditions. If the reading glasses are foreign, then Indianness will never be visible in the constitution.
How many times has BJP amended the Constitution so far?
He said the BJP ruled for 16 years and made 22 amendments to the Constitution. In contrast, the Congress party ruled for 55 years and made 77 amendments. Both parties have amended the Constitution. There are different ways of implementing amendments - some follow constitutional procedures, while others may be done merely as a formality. The character and intentions of a party can be understood by examining the motives behind amending the Constitution.
Shah lashed out at Congress
Amit Shah also mentioned former Prime Minister Indira Gandhi. He said that Allahabad High Court had annulled the election of Indira Gandhi, but by amendment, they also banned judicial scrutiny of the post of Prime Minister. I want to ask my communist brothers who roam around pleading for rights, who are you sitting with.
He further said that our Prime Minister says that I am not the Prime Minister, I am the Prime Servant and someone says that a case cannot be filed against me, I am the ruler, no finger is raised against the ruler, even though the Constitution has given that right. We end the right.