
Aaj Ka Panchang 2 December 2024: Sunrise will be at 06:54 am on Margashirsha Shukla Paksha Pratipada Tithi. Jyeshtha Nakshatra will be at 03:43 today. Abhijeet Muhurta will be from 11:47 to 12:31 on Monday. Puja will be auspicious in this Muhurta. Evening puja time will be from 06:21 pm to 07:06 pm. Today morning will be from 07:30 am to 09 am. Let's know the complete Panchang today.

Venus Transit 2024

Today's Panchang 2 December 2024 In Hindi (Today's Panchang 2 December 2024)

Samvat-Pingala Vikram Samvat 2081

Month-Margashirsha Shukla Paksha, Festival- Monday fast

Date- Pratipada till 12:45 pm then Dwitiya

Day- Monday


Sunset- 05:26pm

Nakshatra- Jyeshtha till 03:43 pm then Moola

Moon sign- Scorpio, Lord- Mars till 03:43 pm then Sagittarius, Lord planet- Jupiter

Sun sign- Scorpio, Lord = Mars till 03:43 pm then Sagittarius, Lord planet- Jupiter

Karan-Bav will be released again by22:46 pmmm

Yoga- Dhriti till 4:04 pm then pain

Auspicious time1 Abhijeet- 11:47 am to 12:31 pm

2Vijay Muhura02:22 pm2pm03:25 pm25pm

3 Twilight Muhur06:21 pm:2107:24 pm7:24pm

4 Brahma Muhurta- from 4:06am to 05:07am

5 Amrit Kaal- 06:09am to 07:42am

6 Nishith Kaal Muhurta- from 11:43 pm to 12:23 pm

Evening worship- 06:21 pm to 07:06 pm

Disha Shool- East direction. travelingvelling in this direction. On the day of Disha Shool, travelingelling in that direction. If necessary, plan your departure a day before and then travel in that direction.

Inauspicious timeRahukaal - from 07:30 am to 09 am

What to do- Today is the holy fast of Monday, the Pratipada day of Shukla Paksha of the most sacred auspicious Margashirsha month. Today is an auspicious date. Worship Shiva. Pour water on the Shivling. Chant the Om Namah Shivaya mantra. Today, worship Lord Shiva in both Sagun and Nirgun forms. Monday fast is very virtuous. On this day, Mother Durga is worshipped. Chant the 32 names of Mother Durga. Fasting today destroys troubles and gives virtue. Donate sesame and rice and by donating food equal to your weight, you get the desired result. This fasa t is fruitarian. Chanting the Beej Mantra of the Moon today will bring prosperity. In this Margashirsha month, chanting and chanting the name of Lord Krishna destroys sins and paves your path of progress and you get devotion to Lord Krishna. Today is a very good date for Libra's donation. Perform Rudrabhishek on Shivling in the Shiva temple.

What not to do – Do not support falsehood today.