Aditi-Siddharth wedding: Aditi Rao Hydari and Siddharth have tied the knot. Let us tell you that the couple got married in a private ceremony in a 400-year-old temple. Now the couple's photo is going viral rapidly. Aditi Rao Hydari and Siddharth have beautifully had a simple wedding. Only close ones were present at this wedding. The couple has shared their wedding photos on social media which are going viral rapidly. While sharing the photo, the actress wrote - "You are my sun, my moon and all my stars.
Aditi is wearing a lehenga with golden zari work. She has worn a matching golden blouse with the same lehenga. Groom Siddharth is wearing a dhoti and lungi. Both of them look good in it. Common as well as special people are commenting on the couple's pictures. Looking at the pictures, it is known that the couple got married in the morning according to South Indian customs. Also, all the rituals have been followed. The couple has kept a background with sunlight, due to which the pictures look very beautiful. Aditi and Siddharth are giving good poses in front of the camera. Fans are liking these pictures very much.
Took seven rounds in a 400-year-old temple
Aditi and Siddharth got engaged in March 2023. The couple shared a photo flaunting the ring on social media and gave the fans the news of their engagement. The couple took seven rounds not in any luxurious 5-star hotel but in a 400 year old temple. Aditi and Siddharth have been dating each other for many years. In an interview, Aditi Rao Hydari had told that Siddharth had proposed to her at her grandmother's school. This place was very special for Aditi.