Naga Chaitanya and Shobhita Dhulipala took seven vows on Wednesday, December 04, at Annapurna Studios in Hyderabad. Now South actress Keerthy Suresh is also going to tie the knot. According to the report, Keerthy Suresh is going to tie the knot with her boyfriend Antony Thattil in the month of December. Recently, the wedding card of the actress has come out. Keerthy Suresh's marriage has a big connection with Rajinikanth. Let's know what that connection is.
As the wedding date is getting closer, the fans are getting more excited. Their wedding card has been 'leaked' on social media. Now it is going viral. According to the wedding card, Keerthy Suresh will get married on December 12. The signature of Keerthy Suresh's parents Suresh Kumar and Menaka Suresh is seen on the wedding card. Keerthy Suresh is going to get married on December 12. At the same time, December 12 is also the birthday of superstar Rajinikanth. Due to this, both have a big connection. Rajinikanth's fans are happy about this. Let us tell you that Keerthy Suresh and Rajinikanth were seen together in the film Annaatthe in 2021. Fans liked this film very much.
The couple has been in a relationship for 15 years
.The actress is going to take seven vows according to two rituals. The actress's wedding is going to take place in Goa. Only close family members and friends will attend this wedding. Keerthy Suresh's wedding will be according to both Hindu and Christian rituals. According to the report, the wedding rituals of the actress will begin on December 10. The sangeet ceremony will be organized on the morning of December 11. Keerthy and Antony have been in a relationship for 15 years. Both of them met during school days.