Neetu Kapoor Commented on Alia Bhatt Pics: Bollywood actress Alia Bhatt has made a splash by participating in the Paris Fashion Week recently. This was the first time Alia Bhatt arrived to participate in the Paris Fashion Week. Alia Bhatt showed her style in a black dress in the fashion show, seeing which people became crazy about her. The reactions of people coming to Alia Bhatt's pictures are telling how crazy people are for her. When Alia Bhatt was walking on the ramp, she also got full support from her mother-in-law Neetu Kapoor. Neetu Kapoor herself has given this information through Instagram.
Neetu Kapoor shared Alia Bhatt's picture on Instagram.
Actually, Neetu Kapoor has shared a picture on Instagram, in which Alia Bhatt is seen walking on the ramp. Neetu Kapoor has said that when Alia was on the ramp, she was cheering for her. Sharing the picture, Neetu Kapoor wrote, 'When Alia was on the ramp, we were shouting loudly.' Neetu Kapoor has also made heart emojis with this picture of Alia, which people like a lot.
Neetu commented on Alia Bhatt's Paris fashion pic
Alia Neetu's relationship is like that of a mother and daughter
Alia Bhatt and Neetu Kapoor's relationship is not like that of a mother-daughter but like that of a mother-daughter. There have been many occasions when both of them have told people that they live exactly like a mother and daughter. When Alia was leaving for Paris with her husband Ranbir, Neetu Kapoor was also seen with her. The way Rhea's face lit up after seeing Neetu shows that Rhea does not differentiate between her mother and grandmother. By the way, how did you like the way Neetu Kapoor has supported Alia Bhatt, do tell us in the comments.