Allu Arjun Arrest: Pan India superstar Allu Arjun is in the headlines these days for his most awaited film, Pushpa 2: The Rule. However, with the release of his film, a tragic incident has increased the actor's troubles. During the screening of Pushpa 2, there was a stampede at the Sandhya Theater in Hyderabad. Due to which a woman died tragically. The actor was arrested in this case yesterday, after spending a night in jail, Allu Arjun has now been released on bail. The actor has returned to his Banjara Hills residence on Saturday morning amid tight security. As soon as he got out of his luxury car, he greeted the fans standing there with folded hands and also shook hands with them.
What did Allu Arjun say after coming out on bail?
Speaking about the incident for the first time, Allu Arjun has expressed regret calling it 'very unfortunate'. He further said, 'I thank everyone, this incident was very unfortunate, we are extremely sorry for whatever happened, we are with the family. This never happens to anyone, I am there to support the family in every way, I am grateful to everyone.'
Along with this, the actor further said, 'I believe in the law, this is a very difficult time for the family. I thank everyone for their love and support. I am here only because of your love.'