
New Delhi: Mukesh's brother, Anil Ambani's Reliance Power Limited has come back from the dead, and with it seems to be an investment of over Rs. 10000 crores to establish a solar power facility and spend on fully integrated solar producing operations. All of this is bound to be an impressive addition to the already booming renewable energy sector of the Indian state.

Solar Battery Systems + Solar Panels, 1MW Community Solar 

Reliance NU Suntech Pvt Limited, a fully owned subsidiary of Reliance Power, got a contract for the construction of an integrated solar energy plant with a solar photovoltaic capacity of 930 Megawatts and an energy storage system of 1860 MWh based in Kurnool. The company expects it to be located at India’s largest single-site solar power and battery storage and potentially the largest in Asia.

The renewable energy arm of Reliance Power aims to remove all theoretical limits which hamper the electric vehicle penetration rate and plans to build the utility in 24 months from the day a power purchase agreement is signed between the Indian Solar Association and SECI. A company spokesperson confirmed this development, underlining its importance in making a lasting impact on the renewable energy revolution in the region.

Employment Opportunities

This project is estimated to create a total of 1,000 direct opportunities, alongside employing roughly five thousand people during its construction period, in efficient roles. This will be helpful in boosting the economic condition of the region.

Plans For Solar Manufacturing Facility

As part of the project, Reliance Power intends to set up a solar manufacturing hub in Andhra Pradesh, earmarking additional investment of Rs 6,500 crore. The company is looking for about 1,500 acres for the factory. This unit will complement the company’s renewable energy efforts and strengthen its footprint in the solar industry.

Site Selection And Progress

According to the Andra Pradesh government officials, Anil Ambani made a trip to Visakhapatnam with the intentions of securing land close to the Rambili industrial region in Anakapalli district. Following checks on a location in southern Andhra Pradesh last month, it was not chosen. The new site discussions are at advanced levels.
