RS polls: The Bharatiya Janata Party on Monday declared Rayaga Krishnaiah from Andhra Pradesh, Rekha Sharma from Haryana, and Sujeet Kumar from Odisha as its candidates for the Rajya Sabha by-elections to be held on December 20. The names of the candidates were announced in a press release issued by BJP national general secretary Arun Singh. It said that these names were approved in the meeting of the Central Election Committee.
By-election on December 20
The Election Commission last month announcedby-pollss for six vacant Rajya Sabha seats in four states on December 20. Three vacancies in Andhra Pradesh arose after YSR Congress Party members Venkataramana Rao Moppidevi, Beeda Mastan Rao Yadav, and Rayaga Krishnaiah resigned from the Upper House in August. The term of Yadav and Krishnaiah as Rajya Sabha members was to end on June 21, 2028, while Moppidevi was to retire on June 21, 2026.
In Odisha, BJD MP Sujeet Kumar had resigned from his seat. He was then expelled from the Biju Janata Dal. His term was to end on April 2, 2026. BJP's Krishan Lal Pawar had resigned from his Rajya Sabha seat from Haryana after being elected MLA in the recent assembly elections.
Sujeet Kumar is the candidate from Odi.sha
Former BJD MP Sujeet Kumar is all set to file his nomination papers as the Bharatiya Janata Party's candidate for the Rajya Saby-pollpoll from Odisha, a party leader said. The BJP's central election committee formally announced Kumar's name on Monday. He is likely to file his nomination papers late this evening, the party leader said.
Kumar resigned from Rajya Sabha membership as BJD MP in September and later joined the BJP. The seat vacated by him was lying vacant and the Election Commission of India announced by-elections to six Rajya Sabha seats, including one from Odisha, on November 26. A notification said the last date for filing nominations is December 10 while polling, if necessary, will be held on December 20.