Eisha Singh's new 'Time God' of the house: Salman Khan-hosted show Bigg Boss 18 is leaving no stone unturned to entertain the audience. The makers are also trying their best to bring back-to-back twists to the show. Meanwhile, a war has broken out between the contestants to become the next 'Time God' in the Bigg Boss house. In the first week, Digvijay Rathi became the new Time God of the house. Now his tenure is over and everyone's eyes are fixed on the 'new time'. In such a situation, big news is coming out from the Bigg Boss house that Eisha Singh has become the new Time God of the house. Let's take a look at the full report.
The makers of Bigg Boss 18 shared a new promo of the show today. In which the housemates who they did not want to see becoming the Time God had to be eliminated from the race. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Rajat Dalal, Vivian Dsena, and Digvijay Rathi eliminated some housemates from the race to become 'Time God'. However, now bignewss is coming out from the Bigg Boss house that 'Eisha Singh' has become the new Time God of the house. Yes! According to the report, Eisha Singh has usurped the throne of Time God.
Let us tell you that this week 8 contestants including Avinash Mishra, Shrutika Arjun, Tajinder Bagga, Sara Arfeen Khan, Karan Veer Mehra, Kashish Kapoor, Vivian Dsena are nominated to be evicted from the house.