
Cancer is a disease whose name makes people shiver. While cancer cases were very rare 10-15 years ago, today cancer cases are increasing rapidly. If we talk about breast cancer, it is a cancer that grows even faster. Earlier, breast cancer was seen in women above 50 years of age, but today it is also increasing rapidly in young women. In the past years, news of breast cancer has come to light in many actresses from Bollywood. However, if breast cancer is detected in time, its risk can be reduced significantly. Keeping this in mind, we spoke to Dr. Anita Malik Senior Consultant Oncology Fortis Hospital, Noida. She told us in detail why cases of breast cancer are increasing in young women.

What is breast cancer? - What is Breast Cancer?

The most common cancer in women is breast cancer. When the cells present in the breast start mutating, they gradually turn into cancer cells. These cells gather together and take the form of a tumor. You can gauge the severity of breast cancer from the fact that in 80% of its cases, it spreads to other parts of the body as well. Let's know why breast cancer occurs and what are its types.

Why does breast cancer occur?

According to Dr. Anita Malik, abnormal growth of breast cells is called breast cancer. It is becoming the most common cancer in India today. Usually, breast cancer is mostly seen in people who live an unhealthy lifestyle. Apart from this, consuming intoxicants like alcohol, and tobacco is also becoming a major cause of breast cancer. Let us know in detail the causes of breast cancer.

Causes of Breast Cancer

1. Genetic factor

According to the doctor, the rapidly increasing breast cancer in young women is a growing concern globally. There are different reasons behind its increasing incidence. But if we talk about one important reason, then one important reason is genetics. The rapid mutation is being seen in genes like BRCA1 and BRCA2 present in the body of women. This mutation in the body is becoming a major reason for breast cancer in young women. This change in genes can also be genetically transferred from one generation to another. Which becomes a major risk of genetic breast cancer.

2. Lifestyle and diet

Today, rapid changes are being seen in lifestyle and eating habits. Women today are consuming intoxicants like alcohol and cigarettes in large quantities, both of these things are the biggest cause of cancer. Along with this, increasing obesity in women is also a major cause of breast cancer. Women today, burdened by work and family, are not able to get enough sleep, due to which their sleeping patterns remain disturbed. Lack of sleep is also emerging as a major cause of cancer in women.

3. Influence of the environment

Today our environment is getting polluted rapidly, in which many harmful chemicals and gases are present in the atmosphere, which are causing cancer for us. Environmental pollution is becoming a major cause of cancer for the people living in Delhi and its surrounding cities.

4. Hormonal imbalance

Hormonal imbalance is also becoming a major cause of breast cancer at a young age. Due to changing lifestyles and eating habits, girls today are starting their periods early, due to which estrogen hormone remains in their body for a long time. Apart from this, delays in menopause, hormonal therapy, and increasing use of contraceptive pills are also becoming major causes of hormonal imbalance. All these reasons together increase the risk of breast cancer.

Types of Breast Cancer

To treat breast cancer properly, you must understand its types. So that cancer can be easily stopped by using a specific treatment that is effective for a particular type. Let us know some common types of breast cancer...

Generally, if we talk about the types of breast cancer, there are two types of it. 1. Invasive breast cancer (spreads rapidly) and 2. Non-invasive breast cancer (spreads slowly). 80% of breast cancers are caused by invasive ductal carcinoma. Whereas in non-invasive breast cancer, the cancer cells do not grow beyond the tissue of origin.

Early Symptoms of Breast Cancer

Talking about the beginning of breast cancer, it is very difficult to identify it in the beginning, because no symptoms are visible in the beginning. The symptoms of breast cancer also depend a lot on its type. But today we are going to tell you some of its common symptoms. By identifying them, you can reduce their risk in the beginning itself.

  • The feeling of a lump (hard lump) in the breast.
  • Dirty blood-like discharge from the nipple.
  • Change in breast size.
  • Change in color of the nipple.
  • A lump or swelling in the armpit.

However, apart from being the initial symptoms of breast cancer, these can also be symptoms of some other problems. Therefore, before relying on any kind of indication, consult a doctor once.

Measures to prevent breast cancer – How to Prevent Breast Cancer

  1. To prevent breast cancer, it is most important that you reduce your body weight.
  2. Research has proved that alcohol and smoking are major causes of breast cancer, hence it is very important to avoid this.
  3. Lack of physical activity is also a major cause of cancer, for which you must exercise for 40 minutes daily.
  4. Unhealthy foods like fast food etc. are not good for our health, so you should include seasonal fruits and vegetables in your diet.
  5. If any kind of problem occurs or any kind of symptom appears, first contact the doctor.

From the above article, it must have become quite clear to you why breast cancer is increasing rapidly among women today. If you follow the symptoms, causes,s, and prevention measures mentioned in this properly, then the chances of prevention from breast cancer can be increased to a great extent. But this article itself cannot be considered as a means of treatment. Before reaching any conclusion, you must take the advice of a health expert.