
CSIR UGC NET Result: All the candidates who had appeared in the CSIR UGC NET exam are now eagerly waiting for their exam results. In such a situation, the National Testing Agency (NTA) will soon release the results of the CSIR University Grants Commission National Eligibility Test (CSIR UGC NET 2024). The result will be released on the official website. Once released, the candidates who took the exam will be able to check their results by visiting the official website However, there is no official information as to when and at what time the results will be released. 

Let us inform you that after the result is released, to view or download it, the candidates will have to use the necessary credentials like their roll number and date of birth. 

how can you check 

  • Candidates will be able to check their results through the steps given below. 
  • Firstly candidates visit the official NTA website
  • Thereafter look for the link to download CSIR UGC NET 2024 Result.
  • Then enter your application number, date of birth, and security code shown in the image on the given webpage.
  • After this click on 'Login'.
  • By doing this, your CSIR UGC NET result will appear on the screen.
  • At last, now check it, download it, and take a printout.

The provisional answer key of the CSIR NET exam was released on August 9 and objections were invited from candidates till August 11. The final answer key and result are expected to be declared soon at 

Let us tell you that the exam was conducted on 25, 26, and 27 July 2024 in two shifts at 348 centers located in 187 cities. The first session was from 9 am to 12 noon and the second was from 3 pm to 6 pm. The last date to raise objections on the answer key was August 11. A total of 2,25,335 candidates appeared in this exam.