
Due to changes in food habits and lifestyle, diabetes is becoming a serious problem. Due to this, a person has to face many problems. Although diabetes is not a disease in itself, but due to it many types of diseases arise in our body. But today we are going to tell you such a home Ayurvedic recipe, which can eradicate your diabetes problem from the root. Yes, for this you just chew and eat curry leaves every morning. Consumption of curry leaves rich in antioxidants and vitamins proves to be very effective in controlling your sugar level. Let's know how and when sugar patients should consume curry leaves.

Curry Leaves Benefits for Diabetes

Curry leaves are a panacea for diabetes patients. This has also been clearly described in a book named 'Healing Spices'. According to the article written in the book, curry leaves can be used to control blood sugar up to 45%. The elements present in curry leaves help a lot in controlling your sugar level. This book explains how curry leaves can control diabetes.

How do curry leaves lower blood sugar?

Beta-carotene, vitamins and carbazole, and antioxidants are found in curry leaves. Which proves to be effective in reducing oxidative damage in your body. This also keeps your sugar level under control. Along with this, curry leaves are rich in fiber, which helps a lot in slowing down your digestion. Due to this, your metabolism increases. Which helps in controlling your sugar level.

boost insulin activity

Curry leaves promote insulin activity in your body, which enables your body to use sugar properly. According to a health research, anti-hyperglycemic properties are found in curry leaves, which can reduce your sugar level rapidly.

Disclaimer: The tips and advice suggested in the article are for general information only and cannot be taken as professional medical advice. Consult your doctor before starting any kind of fitness program or making any changes in your diet.