The last part of the digestive system i.e. the large intestine is called the colon. Cancer that occurs in it is called colon cancer or colorectal cancer. A study conducted in America on colon cancer has revealed that the risk of colon cancer is increasing rapidly among the youth of America due to the use of certain types of cooking oil. Oil is usually associated with cholesterol, but this research has shocked people. Today we are going to tell you why the risk of colon cancer is increasing and which cooking oils prove to be dangerous for your health. Let's know about it in detail...
Where was the research done?
This research on colon cancer was done by experts from the University of South Florida, USA . The data of which has been published in the journal Gut. A total of 80 people aged between 30 and 85 years were included in this study. If the data of this research is to be believed, an average American is consuming about 100 pounds of seed oil in a year.
What does research say?
According to research, excessive use of oils like sunflower, canola, corn and grape seed oils in cooking causes inflammation in your body. Which gradually becomes the cause of many health problems. These oils enter our body and weaken the body's ability to fight against tumors. This is the reason why highly processed foods are also considered to be the cause of colon cancer, because these oils are used to prepare them.
However, an American cancer and heart disease organization says that there is not enough evidence to prove that these oils cause colon cancer. But this study definitely makes it clear that using these oils can cause inflammation in your body.