
Some diseases in our bodies do not have any visible effect on their own. However, their side effects are visible in the entire body. The name of one such disease is diabetes. Its direct effect is seen on our eyesight. The risk of problems like retinopathy, cataracts, and glaucoma increases in the eyes of people suffering from diabetes. In such a situation, if diabetes is not controlled in time, it can have a very bad effect on eyesight. Let us know 4 such things that a diabetic patient must do to save his eyesight.

How to take care of eyes in diabetes

keep sugar level under control

To avoid eye problems, diabetic patients should prevent their sugar levels from increasing too much. Too much fluctuation in sugar levels causes a lot of damage to our eyes. Due to this, you may have the problem of diabetic retinopathy. This can cause swelling in your eyes, and blurred vision.

Have regular eye check-ups

Diabetic patients should get their eyes checked regularly. So that any kind of problem growing in their eyes can be caught as soon as possible. Because if the problem persists for a long time, the blood veins of your eyes get damaged. Therefore, a diabetic patient must get his eyes checked at least twice a year.

take care of your diet

Diabetic patients should take utmost care of their diet. Because it has a direct impact on your sugar level. If you have diabetes, you should include foods rich in antioxidants and low glycemic index in your diet. Omega-3 fatty acids must be included in your diet.

Exercise is essential

Exercise is one of the most effective ways to control diabetes. It improves your blood flow. This also reduces the effect on your eyes. Diabetes patients should exercise for at least 40 minutes. In which they can include things like yoga, pranayam, walking, and swimming.