Why We Should Not Give Sugar To Babies: When a child is born, he drinks only his mother's milk for 6 months. But in some circumstances, parents have to feed the baby external milk in the initial days. But often we see that in the early days, people start feeding the child sweet milk, sweet drinks, and other sweet things. Let us tell you that this can be very dangerous for their health in the future. This can put them at risk of many dangerous diseases at an early age. At the same time, if the child is somehow saved from consuming sugar-rich foods in the early days, then it can prove to be very beneficial for their health. Recently a new study has been published in a science journal, which has revealed a shocking revelation about the effects of feeding sugar to the child in the early days. In this article, we are telling you about it in detail.
Do not give sugar to the child in the first 1000 days of his life
A study published in the Science Journal states that keeping a child away from sugar intake for at least 1000 days from birth can be beneficial for his overall health. This can contribute to protecting him from many lifestyle-related diseases in the future. But if you give sugar to him, it can also have serious side effects on his health.
There are many disadvantages to giving sugar to the child in the early days
Studies have shown that if you start feeding sugar to your child from early days, it can put them at risk of many health problems in the future. It increases their risk of developing lifestyle diseases in the future, which include,
- obesity
- Diabetes
- High blood pressure
- Cholesterol
- Heart diseases and cancer diseases etc.
Parents who already have diabetes should be cautious
Parents who already have diabetes should strictly avoid giving sugar to their children. Because genetically, the child is also more likely to suffer from the diseases that the parents or someone in the family have had.
If you avoid sugar for 1000 days then you will get amazing benefits
The study found that reducing sugar in a child's first 1,000 days (from conception to age 2) could have lifelong health benefits. The study looked at the population-level health impact of Britain's World War II-era sugar rationing, and the results are fascinating. The study specifically looked at how children who didn't get sugar for 1,000 days had a
- had a 35% lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes
- 20% lower risk of high blood pressure
- 4-year delay in onset of diabetes diagnosis
- Delay in onset of high blood pressure by 2 years
- 30% reduction in the risk of obesity
The study findings show that if we want to stay healthy in the long run, we really need to take stock of our daily sugar intake and adjust it.