Winter Foods To Include In Children Diet: Winter season brings with it many challenges along with cold and cold winds. This can be especially challenging for the health of children. In winter season, the energy level of children can decrease, their immunity becomes weak and they fall ill easily. During this time, problems like cold and cough affect them very quickly. In such a situation, just wearing warm clothes may not be enough to protect them from cold. Proper diet is also very important for them, so that their immunity remains strong and they remain healthy.
As the temperature drops in winter, more energy is needed to keep the body warm. Therefore, it is important to give children such nutrition, which will protect them from the winter cold as well as improve their health. Now the question arises that what can you feed children in winter to keep them healthy? In this article, we have brought some such foods, which if included in the diet of children in the winter season will help a lot in keeping them healthy.
Feed these foods to children to keep them healthy in winter - Foods to include in children's diet in winter to keep them healthy
Nuts, dry fruits and seeds
Dry fruits like cashews, almonds, dates and peanuts, dates, raisins, figs and pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, etc. are the best sources of energy for children in winters. They are rich in fiber, iron, calcium and magnesium. Include these in children's snacks or breakfast. Giving peanut butter on bread or roti is also a good option.
Fresh and seasonal fruits
In winters, fresh fruits like orange, apple, pomegranate and banana can prove to be a panacea for increasing the immunity of children. They are rich in vitamin A and C, which are also beneficial for the skin and eyes of children. If children are reluctant to eat fruits directly, then they can also be given in the form of desserts or puddings.
green vegetables
Capsicum, spinach, fenugreek, greens, mustard leaves, radish leaves, broccoli, green peas etc. are the best vegetables for winter. They are rich in vitamin C, A, fiber, iron, calcium, folic acid, magnesium and zinc etc. These help in boosting immunity.
Root vegetables
Root vegetables that grow in the soil such as carrots, sweet potatoes, radishes, turnips and potatoes are an excellent source of energy in winters. These vegetables are rich in antioxidants and beta carotene, which are beneficial for the eyes as well as boosting immunity. Give these to children.
Vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower and cabbage are a good source of fibre and vitamin B. The antioxidants present in them protect children from infections and boost immunity.
Dairy products
Make sure to include 1 glass of milk in the diet of children every day. Apart from this, also feed them curd, paneer, desi ghee. These are rich in calcium, protein and many essential nutrients. Apart from strengthening the bones and muscles of children, these also help in better development of the body. These are very beneficial for them.