
There is a joke all over the world that a common man cannot understand what a doctor writes, but a research shows that heavy words in medical reports can create complex problems for the patient's health. This study of Michigan University shows that medical reports, in simple language, help in explaining the condition of the patients to them in a better way, which gives them mental satisfaction. The study also says that if medical reports are written in a simple and understandable way for the patients, then their anxiety can be reduced. Let's know about this research.

What does the study say?

Dr. Katherine Lapedis of the University of Michigan and her colleagues conducted a study in which they tried to find out whether patients can understand general pathology reports and whether reports made from the perspective of patients can improve their understanding. It included 2,238 people aged 55 to 84 years and they were given a fictitious biopsy report for urinary problems. These reports were written in general medical terminology and in a language that patients could understand. When people were asked about their level of anxiety, the result was that most people could not understand the general medical report and due to this their level of anxiety increased. On the other hand, 93% of the people who read the reports made from the perspective of patients understood their condition correctly and their level of anxiety did not increase that much.

Impact of reports on patient health

This study from the University of Michigan found that when patients are confronted with complex medical terminology, they panic and become anxious about their condition. The study also found that the level of anxiety patients experience after reading a report is related to their health.

Expert opinion

Experts involved in the study say that there is a need to change the reports which have a negative impact on mental and physical health. They are of the opinion that hospitals should make their medical reports patient-friendly, this will make it easier for patients to understand their health problems and reduce their anxiety.
