
Skin Dry Hoti Hai Due to Deficiency of Which Vitamin: As soon as the winter season begins, we see that people have to face a lot of skin-related problems. People's skin becomes dry and lifeless and pimples also start appearing. However, dryness in the skin during this time is one of the most common problems, which most people face. Due to this, people's skin starts itching and crusts start forming. It also causes cracking of the skin, lips, and heels. Usually, such problems are caused by cold winds. Cold winds take away moisture from the skin, so the skin starts getting dry. Apart from this, people also reduce water intake in winter, due to which the skin starts getting dry.

But do you know that the reason for increasing dryness in the skin can also be a sign of a lack of nutrition in the body? You may be surprised to know that some vitamins are very essential for maintaining moisture in the skin and for healthy skin. Their deficiency can lead to many skin-related problems. Dry skin is caused by a deficiency of which vitamin ( Dry Skin Kis Vitamin Ki Kami Se Hoti Hai), we are explaining about this in detail in this article.

Which vitamin deficiency causes dry skin? Which Vitamin Deficiency Causes Dry Skin

According to the American Academy of DermatologyThere are many essential vitamins that play a very important role in keeping the skin healthy such as,

Vitamin A

This vitamin helps to protect and repair skin cells from damage. Its deficiency increases dryness in the skin and irritation can be seen. Yellow, red fruits and green leafy vegetables like spinach, carrots, sweet potatoes, and red peppers, etc. contain a good amount of it. Eggs, fish, and salmon, etc. are also good sources of it.

Vitamin C

If there is a deficiency of this vitamin in the body, then collagen protein is not formed in the skin. Its deficiency can reduce the moisture in the skin. Dryness, peeling, and flaky skin can be seen in the skin. It is found in good quantity in citrus fruits, amla, orange, sweet lime, guava, lemon, broccoli, and vegetables.

Vitamin E

It is a powerful antioxidant that protects the skin from damage caused by external environmental factors. Its deficiency can also cause skin problems, especially dry skin. It is found in nuts and seeds, almonds, peanuts, pumpkin seeds, red capsicum, spinach, and vegetable oils.


It is an essential mineral that acts as an antioxidant. It is also a very essential nutrient for keeping the skin healthy. It is found in abundance in nuts, pumpkin seeds, eggs, seafood, fish, lentils, dairy products and whole grains, etc.