On Saturday, Kotak Bank announced its results for Q3, net profit reported a 10% increase. The increase from Rs 3,005 Cores to Rs 3,305 Cores was seen in the December quarter as highlighted in the companies Q3 report.
Meanwhile, Indian's third largest private bank enlisted interest income worth Rs 13427.58 crores, in this quarter which is an increase of 14% when compared with 11899 crores in the previous corresponding year quarter.
Rs 6231.33 were paid as interest by Kotak bank for Q3FY25 and this is a 19% growth from the last year's 5245.50 crores that was paid during the same period.
The growth in net interest income saw the increase by 10 percent from a marginal NII of Rs 6540.92 crores in the previous year period, to a stunning value of 7196 crore in Q3FY25. For the quarter, a NIM of 4.93% was posted. However, profit after tax for Q3FY25 was Rs 3344 crores, lower than the Rs 3386 crores in Q2FY 25 which was a sequential decrease of 1.2%.
There was a Year on Year increase in fees and services income, which for the period was estimated at around Rs 2362 crores compared to the estimated Rs 2144 crores for the last financial year.
Deposits Performance:
In Q3 FY25 total deposits witnessed annual growth of 15%, pegging the value at INR 4,58,614Crores, as compared to INR 3,98,908 crores in FY24.
Current deposits also surged by 12% on annual basis, growing from INR 59,337 crores to INR 66,589 crores during the same timeline mentioned previously.
Whereas average savings deposits performed the worst, the difference was not that significant as it depicts an annual rise of only 1%, gradually improving from INR 1,23,227 crores in Q3 FY24 to INR 1,24,282 crores Q3 FY25.
Last, we have average term deposits, which saw impressive growth of 24 percent YoY, arriving at INR 2,67,743 crores when juxtaposed with INR 2,16,344 crores recorded in the third quarter of FY 24.