Benefits of eating empty stomach garlic: In today's time, weight gain, obesity and accumulation of fat in the body due to this has become a common problem. But these conditions also contribute to the development of many serious diseases in the body. The most common of these are accumulation of fat in the liver or fatty liver and increase in lipid levels in the blood, which is called high cholesterol. Both conditions are very dangerous and if they are not taken care of in time, they can be fatal.
But do you know, there is a white thing present in our kitchen, which if you start eating on an empty stomach in the morning, then consuming it for just 2 months can help in getting rid of fatty liver and bad cholesterol deposited in the veins. Now the question arises that what is that thing in our kitchen which can prove to be so beneficial? Health influencer and registered dietitian Bhavya Dheer has shared this Desi recipe on social media. In this article, we are telling you about it in detail...
Just chew this white spice on an empty stomach in the morning for 2 months
According to dietician Bhaavya, if you chew garlic cloves on an empty stomach for 2 months continuously, it can prove to be very beneficial in reversing fatty liver. Chewing raw garlic on an empty stomach is a natural remedy for fatty liver health. It helps in melting body fat. It is also a panacea for reducing liver fat. Along with this, it can also help in reducing bad cholesterol.
How is eating garlic on an empty stomach beneficial?
Dietitian explains that garlic contains an active compound called allicin, which is a powerful compound with anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. It can help detoxify the liver, reduce stored fat and improve liver function.
Consuming garlic in the morning activates the metabolism. It helps in better digestion and supports overall liver health. Its sulfur compounds promote liver detoxification, breaking down toxins and fat effectively.
How much garlic should I eat on an empty stomach?
Let us tell you that you can chew 1 large or 2 small cloves of garlic on an empty stomach in the morning. But avoid eating more than this. Apart from this, you can also use garlic as a spice in your food. It can be helpful in improving liver health and reducing the risk of fatty liver disease. Make it a part of a healthy diet and lifestyle for best results.