PM Narendra Modi in Lok Sabha: Prime Minister Narendra Modi addressed the Lok Sabha on the 75th anniversary of the Constitution of India and said that India's democratic history has been an inspiration for the world, so we are the mother of democracy. PM Modi started his address by saying that Honorable Chairman, for all of us and for all the citizens of the country, this is a proud moment not only for us but also for the citizens who value democracy all over the world. This is a great occasion to celebrate the celebration of democracy and the 75-year journey of our Constitution, a remarkable journey and the journey of the world's largest and greatest democracy. At the core of this journey is the vision and contribution of our Constitution makers and it is due to their vision that we are progressing. This is a moment of celebration on the completion of these 75 years and I am happy that Parliament is also expressing its feelings by participating in this celebration.
During this, PM Modi said that today I want to place 11 resolutions before the House from the sacred platform of this House...
- Be it a citizen or the government... everyone should perform their duties.
- Every region, every society should get the benefit of development, everyone should develop together.
- There should be zero tolerance towards corruption, there should be no social acceptance for corrupt people.
- The citizens of the country should feel proud in following the laws of the country, the rules of the country, and the traditions of the country; they should have a sense of pride.
- There should be freedom from the mentality of slavery and there should be pride in the heritage of the country.
- The country's politics should be freed from nepotism.
- The Constitution should be respected; it should not be used as a weapon for political gain.
- Committing to the spirit of the Constitution, reservation that is being provided to those should not be snatched away and every attempt to provide reservation on the basis of religion should be stopped.
- India should become an example for the world in women leadership development.
- Development of the nation through development of the state, let this be our development mantra.
- The aim of one India, great India should be paramount.
Citizens of India should remain steadfast on the ideals of the constitution makers- PM Modi
PM Modi said that this achievement of 75 years of the Constitution is not ordinary, but it is extraordinary. When the country got independence, the possibilities that were imagined for India were immense and despite all the challenges, our Constitution brought us where we are today. Therefore, for this great achievement, I respectfully salute not only the Constitution makers but also the crores of citizens of the country who have lived and adopted this spirit, this new system. The Prime Minister further said that in the last 75 years, the citizens of India have lived up to the ideals of the Constitution makers and hence the citizens of India deserve congratulations. India's democratic history has been an inspiration for the world, hence we are the mother of democracy. Our Constitution makers knew that India was not born in 1947, they knew everything about India's great heritage.
PM Modi in Lok Sabha.
Referring to Nari Shakti, he said that when the G-20 summit took place, we carried forward the spirit of the Constitution because we are people who live by its values. During India's presidency of the G-20, we put forward the idea of women-led development to the world. The need for progress through women's development is important globally. So we started discussing women-led development and brought it to fruition. Not only this, but all of us MPs united to ensure active participation of women in Indian democracy and passed the Nari Shakti Bandhan Act.
PM Modi said that there were 15 women members in the Constituent Assembly. All these women came from different fields and their suggestions had a huge impact on the Constitution. India has given women the right to vote since the beginning. Today women are at the center of every major government scheme. Today the President of India is a tribal woman. The participation and contribution of women is increasing in every field, including fields like space. The number of women MPs in this House is constantly increasing and their contribution is also increasing. Their role in the Council of Ministers is also expanding. Today, whether it is the social sector, political field, education, sports or creative world, the contribution and representation of women in every field of life has been commendable for the country.
Unity in diversity has been the specialty of India- PM Modi
PM Modi said that unity in diversity has been the specialty of India. We celebrate diversity, however, those who grew up with a slave mentality, who could not see India's progress, kept finding contradictions in diversity. Instead of celebrating this invaluable treasure of diversity, some people have tried to sow poisonous seeds in it with the aim of harming the unity of the country. We should make the celebration of diversity an integral part of our lives and this will truly be a tribute to Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar.
Prime Minister Modi said that India is taking strong steps to soon become the third largest economic power in the world. It is the resolve of 140 crore citizens of this country that when we celebrate the independence of our country, we will make India a developed nation. This is the resolve of every Indian, this is the dream of every Indian. The biggest requirement for the fulfillment of this resolve is the unity of India. Our Constitution is also the foundation of the unity of India.