Gold came down by Rs 72,250 for ten grams of 22karats and Rs 78,820 per 10 grams. Varying with the first quarter of this year, the difference in price of 24-karat gold has been 0.87 per cent cut while, it has changed 1.15 percent in the previous month. 24 carat Gold rates and other trends suggests increase in the rate.
As the month of August progresses there has been increased resulted in reduction in gold the yellow metal’s price in the domestic futures market as a result of estimating targets amid rising dollar and increased US bond yields witnessed after exceptionally strong macro data indicating that America remains on solid ground economically. February MCX Gold presentation in grams projected a 0.12 percent dip and is at 77,438 rupees per gram.
The dynamics of interest include interest rates, global events, commodity demand supply, tariffs, state policies , currency exchange and etc, highly correlate with gold prices.
Gold Prices In Major Indian Cities
So here’s looking at gold rates in different parts of India on 8 Th January:
City 22-Karat 24-Karat
Delhi 7,240 INR Rs 7897
Noida 7,240 INR Rs 7897
Chennai 7,225 INR Rs 7882
Bangalore 7,225 INR Rs 7882
Mumbai 7,225 INR Rs 7882
Hyderabad 7,225 INR Rs 7882
Kolkata 7,225 INR Rs 7882
Ahmedabad 7,230 INR Rs 7887
Patna 7,230 INR Rs 7887