
Hallmarking of Silver in India: Food and Consumer Affairs Minister Prahlad Joshi on Monday said the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) should consider making hallmarking mandatory for silver and silver items as per the demand of consumers. Joshi said at the 78th BIS Foundation Day function, "There is a demand from consumers for hallmarking of silver. You (BIS) can discuss and take a decision on this. The minister said that work has started in this direction and the government will take a decision after consultation with stakeholders and completion of feasibility assessment by BIS.

It will start in three to six months

Joshi said, "I have asked BIS to work on the feasibility and take feedback from consumers and jewelery dealers. We will consult all stakeholders and start the process." Hallmarking of silver, that is, certifying the purity of the white metal, is currently at the discretion of the shopkeeper or customer.

BIS Director General Pramod Kumar Tiwari said the bureau may be ready to implement mandatory silver 'hallmarking' in three to six months. Consultations are on with stakeholders.

Discussion continues on 'alphanumeric code'

Tiwari said, "Several rounds of discussions have been held with the stakeholders and they are in favour of it. Discussions are on for the six-digit alphanumeric code." The move comes after the successful implementation of mandatory hallmarking of gold introduced in June 2021, which has now expanded to 361 districts.

Its purpose is to protect consumer interests and ensure the authenticity of the gold product. The existing 'hallmarking' system consists of a six-digit 'alphanumeric code', which certifies the purity of gold.

90 percent of jewellery is hallmarked

The minister said, "Now about 90 percent of the jewellery being purchased is hallmarked. Since its introduction, more than 44.28 crore gold jewellery has been hallmarked with a unique identity."

The minister said that stakeholders from Gujarat, Karnataka and other states have also requested to make 'hallmarking' mandatory on silver.

The Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) is an autonomous national body established in 1986 under the BIS Act. It is responsible for setting quality standards for products and services.
