Tony on his relation with Manisha: Manisha Rani, who suddenly came into the limelight from Bigg Boss OTT, rocked the internet for a long time. During the days when Manisha Rani was everywhere, the news of her affair with Tony Kakkar spread among the people. Both of them had called their relationship only friendship, which no one believed but people had no other option. After some time, these two were seen together less and people assumed that they have now parted ways. Tony Kakkar has talked to a media house about his relationship with Manisha, during which he gave such a reaction that people were stunned.
When Tony Kakkar was asked in an interview whether his friendship with Manisha Rani has ended completely, he burst out laughing. People are deriving many meanings from Tony Kakkar's laughter. Some people say that Manisha-Tony's friendship was only for a project and as soon as it was completed, they parted ways, while some people say that both of them spread false news of friendship in the media so that their song could become popular.
Some time ago when Manisha Rani was asked about her relationship with Tony, she said, 'There is only friendship between us. I am a big fan of Tony, that's why when I met him, I took flowers and chocolates with me. The next day when he came to meet me, he brought chocolates for me. When we were leaving, the media came there and saw both of us with chocolates. People started making different stories but there was no truth in them.' Even though Tony and Manisha were never in a relationship, but the way the singer laughed in a recent interview, it is clear that he and Manisha are not even friends anymore.