The Rohit Sharma-led Indian team, playing the third match of the Test series in Melbourne, Australia, is wearing black bands to pay tribute to former Indian Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh. Dr. Manmohan Singh died on Thursday at 9:51 pm at the age of 92 at AIIMS Hospital in Delhi.
Many members of the Indian cricket world have paid tribute to Dr. Manmohan Singh on social media. Dr. Manmohan Singh is survived by his wife Gursharan Kaur and three daughters. The BCCI has paid tribute to Dr. Manmohan Singh by releasing pictures of members of the Indian cricket team wearing black bands on social media.
Talking about the match, India and Australia are aiming to take a 2-1 lead in the series ahead of the fifth and final Test in Sydney next week. India won the first match in Perth by 295 runs while Australia levelled the series with a 10-wicket win in Adelaide. The rain-affected Gabba Test ended in a draw.