
Who is not troubled by the busy life today, in which finding comfort and mental peace seems to be a difficult task. But today we are going to tell you an easy way to get mental peace. Yes, if you practice yoga for only 10 minutes every morning, then you can get rid of mental stress. Apart from this, you can be full of positivity from the beginning of your day. According to health experts, morning time is also the best time to do yoga. Therefore, you must start practicing at least 10 minutes daily. Let's know about it in detail...

Balasana (Child Pose)

Balasana or Child Pose is a very effective yoga asana to keep you away from mental stress. Apart from this, it strengthens your spine and also works to correct your posture. You can start practicing it for 1 minute.


It is known as Cobra Pose. Bhujangasana not only improves your body posture but also strengthens your spine. Apart from this, it proves to be very beneficial in relaxing your mind and keeping you away from stress. You can start it with 1-2 minutes.


Shavasana is an effective yoga asana for relaxing the body. You can practice it by lying on your back on the yoga mat. It works to relax both your body and mind. For this, you should continuously practice deepening your breathing.

benefits of yoga for the brain

Yogasanas not only relieve you from stress, but it also strengthens the immune system of our body. Practicing yoga regularly also improves the quality of your sleep. Apart from this, it also helps in weight loss by making your body flexible.