Amit Shah on Arvind Kejriwal : Union Home Minister Amit Shah on Saturday took on Arvind Kejriwal for building a 'Sheesh Mahal' for himself instead of creating infrastructure in the capital during his nearly 10-year tenure as Delhi chief minister. Addressing an event after inaugurating Sushma Bhawan, a working women's hostel of the New Delhi Municipal Corporation, Shah referred to several expensive items and equipment used in Kejriwal's official residence as chief minister, saying he had never heard of some of these things.
Kejriwal targeted over 'Sheesh Mahal'
Shah said, when Kejriwal entered politics, he vowed not to take a government car or bungalow and promised to start a new kind of politics. But he could not be satisfied with one, two, three or four bungalows and instead built a 'Sheesh Mahal' for himself spread over 50,000 square yards of land, which cost Rs 45 crore. Let us tell you that BJP is using the term "Sheesh Mahal" to target Kejriwal, which is actually the CM residence for which Kejriwal has been on target.
Shah said, the people of Delhi will have to give an account
The home minister said the Aam Aadmi Party government in Delhi could not create a system to supply water to people but Kejriwal spent Rs 14 crore on a water plant for his family of four. "Kejriwal ji, you have to give an account to the people of Delhi. They are seeking answers from you," Shah said. He alleged that when Kejriwal visited the chief minister's residence, Rs 6 crore was spent on designer marbles, Rs 6 crore on motorised curtains, Rs 70 lakh on automatic doors, Rs 50 lakh on carpets and Rs 64 lakh on smart TVs.
Shah quipped that he had suggested to Kejriwal on Christmas that he should allow the people of Delhi to visit the "Sheesh Mahal" so that they can see what kind of house their chief minister lives in. Shah accused Kejriwal of ignoring several corruption scandals, including Delhi's liquor policy, mohalla clinics, CCTV installation and bus purchases.