Jai Shri Ram slogan in Church: Meghalaya police have registered a case against a man for hurting the religious sentiments of people by forcibly entering a church in East Khasi Hills district and chanting Jai Shri Ram there. The official said a man entered the church in Mawlynnong village on Thursday and posted a video of it on social media while chanting Jai Shri Ram. Meghalaya Chief Minister Conrad K. Sangma has condemned the act and said administrative legal processes are underway in the case, in which a man tried to disturb the peaceful co-existence of people.
Search for the accused intensified
The Chief Minister said, this act appears to be done deliberately. We as a state government will leave no stone unturned to stop anyone from creating social, religious and communal hatred. Legal action is underway. East Khasi Hills Superintendent of Police Sylvester Nongtinger said that after receiving a complaint in this regard, we have registered a case at Pynursla police station against a person named Akash Sagar on Instagram. He said that the investigation is going on and efforts are being made to catch the culprit.
Social activist Angela Rangad filed a police complaint and demanded legal action against the person. She said that Sagar deliberately and pre-planned the encroachment and sang non-Christian songs and raised slogans. This act appears to have been done to deliberately create communal hatred, insulting the minority culture, and violating all constitutional rights of religious freedom.
Hindu organizations also condemned
The Central Puja Committee (CPC), an influential Hindu organization in the state, has condemned the act. CPC president Naba Bhattacharya said, "We were saddened to see a video circulating on social media. This incident hurts the religious sentiments of everyone in this peace-loving state. We condemn the act of the accused person and urge the police to take strict action against the accused as per the law."
Bharatiya Janata Party's Meghalaya unit chief spokesperson M. Kharkrang said, "Appropriate measures should be taken against such foolish acts and necessary legal action should be taken to ensure that those who commit such mischievous acts get appropriate punishment." Meghalaya Police has asked hotels, homestays and tour operators to inform the police if they have any information about Akash Sagar.