The under construction roof of the railway station in Kannauj, Uttar Pradesh, collapsed on saturday trapping a few workers underneath. One of the videos released by ANI depicts the unfortunate scenario along with the shambles. The reporters stated that the workers were in the process of re working on the architecture of the station. However, the good news is that emergency teams are on their way and rescue operations have been started right away.
According to K Vijayendra, the commissioner of Kanpur, six remain in critical condition but they are also out of danger. Fortunately there have been no reported fatalities either. The railway station was safe unlike the others which were previously affected836.
The GRP and RPF highlighted that the shutters of the not fully constructed building went down which lead to the unfortunate event. Kumar Shukl, the District Magistrate was also able to shed some light on the situation and thankfully reached the required area quite promptly. The rescue efforts were greatly aided.
The UP minister, Asim Arun stated that the ne terminal construction was still going on. However the exact time when the terminal was destroyed was between 12-1 PM.
The BJP’s Yogi Adityanath government has declared compensation of Rs 50,000 to those who suffered severe injuries, and Rs 5,000 to those who sustained minor injuries.