
Screen Time Usage for Children: Today in the age of technology, children use digital devices like mobile, tablets, and computers for everything from studying to playing. They spend a lot of time with these devices. Which provides them with many opportunities for entertainment along with studies. However, a recently released health report has revealed that the ever-increasing screen time of children is proving to be very dangerous for their health. The study data shows that this is having a profound effect not only on their mental but also on their physical health. Let's know in detail what the report is.

What does the report say?

Recent research has revealed that children who spend more time in front of the screen, their sleep is much less than other children. Which has a direct impact on their physical health. Due to this, is they become victims of many diseases. According to researchers, to protect children from such lifestyle problems, you need to reduce their screen time.

How does it harm health?

Today we are going to explain in detail the reason behind the harm to your health due to increased screen time. When you sit in front of the blue light emitted from the screen, it disrupts the production of the melatonin hormone in your body. Which is the hormone responsible for our sleep. Along with this, children sitting in front of the screen continuously are not able to do physical activity, due to which their physical ability keeps getting weakened.

How to reduce children's screen time?

  1. Fix the time of device usage for children, and start it with yourself first.
  2. Encourage children to play outdoor games, and play with them yourself too.
  3. Keep children away from junk food and encourage them to eat healthy food.
  4. Fix a regular sleep and wake-up time for children and ensure that they get at least 7-8 hours of sleep.
  5. Before putting children to sleep, tell them motivational stories and incidents so that they do not use the mobile before sleeping.