Noida: In the last nine months, liquor worth about Rs 2,100 crore was sold in Noida, which is 12 percent more than the liquor sold during this period in the year 2023. During this period in the year 2023, liquor worth Rs 1,900 crore was sold in Noida. District Excise Officer Subodh Kumar Srivastava said that from April to December in 2024, liquor worth Rs 2,100 crore was sold at various liquor shops in Gautam Buddha Nagar, which includes English, country liquor and beer.
How many liters of which liquor was sold
He informed that during the whole year the sale of country liquor was 1,078,65,84 litres, sale of foreign liquor was 89,76,540 litres and sale of beer was 2,14,76,507 litres. There are 564 liquor shops in Gautam Buddha Nagar district.
The official said that during this period, cases have been registered against 74 people who were selling liquor at a price higher than the printed price, notices have been issued to shopkeepers and salesmen have been suspended.