PM Modi on Constitution Debate : During the discussion on the Constitution in the Lok Sabha, Prime Minister Narendra Modi said, this is a proud moment for all of us, for all the countrymen, and not only this, for the democracy loving citizens of the world as well that this is an opportunity to celebrate the festival of democracy with great pride. This is a moment to celebrate the completion of 75 years of the Constitution. It is a matter of happiness that the Parliament is also expressing its feelings by participating in the celebration.
Prime Minister Modi said, in the process of making our constitution, our Nari Shakti played an important role in strengthening the constitution. On the basis of original thinking, they enriched the thinking of the Constituent Assembly. The suggestions they gave in the constitution had a great influence in the making of the constitution. It is a matter of pride for us that many countries of the world took decades to give rights to women, but in our country, women were given the right to vote right from the beginning.
Prime Minister Modi said, we have taken steps to ensure the participation of our women power in Indian democracy. We are seeing that women are at the center of every scheme. It is a coincidence that a tribal woman is sitting on the post of President of India. The number of our women members in this house is increasing, their contribution is increasing. The contribution of women in every field, the representation of women is a matter of pride for the country. Every Indian is appreciating their contribution in the space sector. The inspiration for all this is our Constitution.
People with slave mentality found contradiction in diversity
PM Modi said, our Constitution is the basis of India's unity. In the making of our Constitution, there were many great leaders of the country and all were aware of India's unity. Baba Saheb Ambedkar had warned that the problem is how to unite the diverse public of the country, how to inspire the people of the country to take decisions together, so that the country has a feeling of unity among the people. I am saying with sadness that after independence, due to distorted mentality, or selfishness, the biggest attack was on the basic idea of unity of the country. We celebrate diversity. This country's progress also lies in this, but people who grew up in the mentality of slavery kept finding contradictions in diversity. These people kept trying to sow poisonous seeds in diversity. Prime Minister Modi said, to strengthen the feeling of unity, we advocated One Nation-One Ration Card. If the common citizen of the country gets free treatment, then the strength to fight poverty increases. Therefore, we decided that there should be one nation and one health card and hence, we implemented the Ayushman scheme.
The sin of emergency will not be washed off from the forehead of Congress
During this time, Prime Minister Modi also targeted Congress for imposing emergency. He said, when the country was completing 25 years of the Constitution, the Constitution of our country was torn apart, emergency was imposed. Constitutional arrangements were abolished, people were put in jail. Press freedom was locked down. He said, this sin on Congress' forehead is not going to be washed away. Because, democracy was strangled, an attempt was made to destroy the penance of the Constitution makers.
Congress has been preying on the Constitution from time to time. PM Modi said, a family of Congress has left no stone unturned in hurting the Constitution. This family has ruled for 55 years, so the country has the right to know what happened. The tradition of this family's bad thoughts and bad policies is continuing. This family has challenged the Constitution at every level. From 1947 to 1952, there was no elected government in this country, there was a temporary system. Before 1952, even the Rajya Sabha was not formed, elections were not held in the states, despite that, the Constitution was changed by bringing an ordinance in 1951 and freedom of expression was attacked. This was an insult to the Constitution makers. The things they could not do inside the Constituent Assembly, they did through the back door. PM Modi said, the then Prime Minister Pandit Nehru ji had written a letter to the Chief Ministers, in which he had said that "If the Constitution comes in the way of us, then the Constitution should be changed at all costs." The Prime Minister said, Congress was so obsessed with changing the Constitution that it kept hunting the Constitution from time to time. The seed that was sown by the country's first Prime Minister was nurtured and nurtured by Indira Gandhi. The Supreme Court's decision was changed by making changes in the Constitution, they had cut the wings of our country's court. Prime Minister Modi said, the seed of changing the Constitution that Nehru ji started, Indira ji nurtured it and Rajiv Gandhi also gave it strength, because he was obsessed with tampering with the Constitution. The next generation is also engaged in this.
Congress was also cornered on 35A
PM Modi said, Congress has constantly disrespected the Constitution. The first son of the Constitution is the Parliament, even that was strangled by the Congress. Article 370 is discussed a lot, but 35A is not discussed. The Prime Minister said, 35A was imposed on the country without bringing it to the Parliament, if this had not happened, such conditions would not have arisen in Jammu and Kashmir. This was the right of the Parliament, no one could have done it arbitrarily. They did not do this because they had sin in their stomach. They wanted to hide this thing from the country.