Pushpa 2 Box Office Day 2 Prediction: South actor Allu Arjun has come to break all the records in the theatres with the film Pushpa 2. After the buzz that was created among the audience about Pushpa 2, everyone expected a great earning from it. The film Pushpa 2 earned Rs 279 crore worldwide on the first day and won the title of the biggest opener. If we talk about the earnings of Pushpa 2 on the second day, then it will also be earth-shaking. According to the latest information received by Times Now, the occupancy of Pushpa 2 has been great on the second day as well, due to which it will add more than 120 crores to its account on the second day.
Pushpa 2 is getting great response worldwide
Allu Arjun's Pushpa 2 is getting a great response worldwide. Pushpa 2, which has captured the hearts and minds of the audience, if it earns Rs 120-130 crore on the second day, then its total earnings will cross Rs 400 crore. Trade experts are saying that by afternoon Pushpa 2 had added Rs 52 crore to its account. Pushpa 2 will register a tremendous jump in the evening shows and will cross Rs 400 crore in two days by adding more than Rs 120 crore to its account on the second day.
Pushpa 2
The film Pushpa 3 has been announced
The audience who have watched Pushpa 2 know that the makers have announced Pushpa 3 at the end of the film. With Pushpa 3, Allu Arjun will again come in front of the audience and rock the box office. If reports are to be believed, the production of the film Pushpa 3 will begin after 6 years as Allu Arjun will complete some other projects before that.