For those who took the Computer Based Test 1 (CBT 1) exam, the Indian Railway Recruitment Board is set to declare the result of the RRBA ALP IM 2024 examination soon. With the calendar year closing, almost all the examinations have been completed, and the boards will now move forward with the results.
The Gb and Non-Gb RRB ALP CBT 1 examinations took place between the 25th - 29th of November 2024. In attendance, there were 2.2 million participants in total. Competition is stiff as there are 18792 open positions for the Assistant Locomotive Driver.
RRB ALP Results 2024 - Here's What You Need To Know
The official RRB website must first be explored in order to check for your score.
Go to the homepage and find the link "RRB ALP CBT 1 (CEN 01/2024) Result".
After logging in with your credentials, click “Submit.”
Your result will appear on the screen. Take a screenshot or save the page in order to keep a record of the score.
RRB ALP 2024: Selection Process
There are five distinct stages of recruitment at RRB ALP as below:
- CBT 1
- CBT 2
- Computer Based Aptitude Test (CBAT)
- Document Verification (DV)
- Medical Examination (ME)
In both CBT 1 and 2, there are penalties to the score for any incorrect solutions. The penalties are set at one third of the achievements of the marks per question. There are no penalties to the score in CBAT.
The provisional answer key of the exam for RRB ALP was published on 5th December 2024 and the objection timeframe was over on the quarter of December, 2024.