
Which Is Healthier Raw Or Steamed Sprouts In Hindi: You must have often seen that many people eat sprouted lentils and gram etc. in breakfast in the morning. These are considered very beneficial for health. They contain protein, fiber and almost all the essential nutrients for the body in abundance. Whether it is weight loss, muscle building or just staying healthy, these are useful in all. But some people like to eat them as salad, while some consume them directly. Apart from this, the way of eating sprouts is different for all people.

But before eating sprouts, many people either boil them or cook them in steam. Apart from this, most of the people like to eat them raw. In such a situation, this question often comes in the mind of many people that after all, eating raw sprouts is more beneficial in terms of health or eating them cooked in steam. Consuming which one gives more health benefits. In this article, we are telling you about it in detail...

Raw Sprouts

This is the most common and popular way to eat sprouts. When you consume them this way, they feel very crunchy to chew. But some people may find it a little difficult to chew them. Due to this, they also get pain in their jaws. Along with this, there is also a high risk of growth of some harmful bacteria in raw sprouts, such as E. coli, salmonella, etc. These can harm your health after entering the stomach. To destroy them, sprouts need to be cooked for some time at a good temperature.

After eating raw sprouts, some people may experience problems like bloating, digestive problems, discomfort, vomiting and diarrhea, stomach pain, etc. It can cause even more harm to pregnant women and old people. However, people who have strong digestive power usually do not have any problem after eating raw sprouts.

Steamed Sprouts

When you steam sprouts or boil them in water at a high temperature, the bacteria present in them are destroyed. Apart from this, it becomes easier for people to chew and digest them. Eating them this way helps in better absorption of nutrients. However, steaming is a better option than boiling. Eating sprouts this way gives you more benefits. There is a possibility of their nutrition getting destroyed when boiled, but their nutrition remains intact when cooked in steam.

Which is more beneficial among the two - Raw Vs Steamed Sprouts Which Is Better In Hindi

If we look at it from a health point of view, both the methods are very beneficial. But in some cases, steamed sprouts can be more beneficial. Apart from this, which method of eating sprouts is more beneficial for you also depends on the need and personal choice of the person. Because it is not possible for everyone to eat sprouts by steaming them.

Most people eat sprouts because it is an instant breakfast option. On the other hand, people who do not have digestive problems and have a strong digestive system can enjoy raw sprouts without any problem. On the other hand, if a person has trouble eating raw sprouts, he can opt for steamed sprouts.