Rekha and Agastya Nanda Video: The whole world is remembering Bollywood's showman Raj Kapoor on his 100th birth anniversary. The Kapoor family celebrated Raj Kapoor's anniversary with great pomp. Many big Bollywood stars were seen at this event. Actress Rekha's name is included in this list. On this occasion, Rekha became emotional remembering Raj Kapoor. Rekha also met a person close to Amitabh Bachchan's family. The video of this time is going viral on the internet. Let's take a look at this clip...
Rekha hugged Agastya Nanda
Rekha met Agastya Nanda on Raj Kapoor's 100th birth anniversary. During this, Rekha showered love on Amitabh's grandson. Agastya also greeted Rekha with folded hands. Seeing Agastya's style, Rekha was overwhelmed and hugged him. This video of Rekha and Agastya Nanda is spreading like wildfire on the internet. People are commenting heavily on it. One user wrote, 'Agastya Nanda is a very cultured boy.' Another wrote, 'Go home, Jaya Nani must be waiting.' Another wrote, 'Jaya Bachchan must be feeling hot.'
Watch the video here:
Amitabh Bachchan's name was associated with Rekha
Let us tell you that Bollywood superstar Amitabh Bachchan's name was associated with Rekha. Although Amitabh was married at that time, he married Jaya. If reports are to be believed, Amitabh fell in love with Rekha. After some time, when Jaya came to know about this, the ground slipped under her feet. After this, Amitabh and Rekha separated. While Amitabh and Jaya are still together, it is said about Rekha that she still loves Amitabh.