Sagility India shares: Sagility India shares once again saw a gain of 5% on Thursday. With this, it reached a new high level of Rs 51.37. This was the eighth consecutive day when this stock saw a rise. In the last month, this stock has climbed up to 61%, while the Sensex has fallen by about 2% during this period.
JP Morgan and Jefferies are bullish on Sagility India
Earlier this week, global brokerage firm JPMorgan initiated coverage on Sagility with an "overweight" rating and a target price of Rs 54. The JPMorgan report noted Sagility's strong positioning, focusing on non-discretionary spending. This provides the company with stable growth even in volatile market conditions.
JPMorgan also said that Sagility is well positioned to benefit from the growing trend of outsourcing in the US healthcare sector. Healthcare providers rely on Sagility's services to reduce their costs and increase efficiency, making it a trusted outsourcing partner.
The company's domain expertise, very good customer relationships and ability to enter high-margin areas such as data mining and analytics have given Sagility a competitive edge.
Strong income growth of Sagility India: 50% CAGR over FY24-27
The brokerage firm forecasts a strong compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 50% for Sagility during FY24-27, reinforcing the positive outlook for the stock. Late last week, another global brokerage firm, Jefferies, also gave a 'buy' rating and a target price of Rs 52 on Sagility's stock, stating that Sagility is positioned to deliver consistent double-digit revenue growth in the coming years.