
Kareena Kapoor Khan spoke up and shared an emotional note a few hours after her husband Saif Ali Khan set foot in the operating room. The actor was stabbed 6 times within his own residence, this was done by an intruder who held Saif and Kareena's youngest son Jeh into a room and demanded a ransom of Rs 1 crore. The babysitter of the child was also injured in the scuffle while Saif was fighting with the attacker. After supporting her, Priyanka Chopra and Ranveer Singh did too after she made an appeal to the public for her right to remain privately.

Priyanka Chopra And Ranveer Singh Shows Love To Kareena

Priyanka and Ranveer

Kareena Kapoor's request for privacy on one of her posts got positive feedback from Ranveer and Priyanka Singh, both of who have collaborated with the actress previously posted. “So much love sent,” Priyanka said alongside her name, and Singh said “Love and prayer” followed by emoticons of the evil eye, praying hands, and a red heart.

Kareena Kapoor’s Narrative 

When it comes to the media coverage surrounding her life, Kareena went on to give a respectful request for it to be put to halt during this tragic time. She articulately wrote, “As we navigate through some rather painful times, I humbly appeal to the media and paparazzi to stop creating narratives out of nowhere regarding me and my family. We are none to know this ordeal.”

With cameras constantly following her which put them at risk, it wasn’t only the media attention that aroused worry. Taking this into consideration Kareena noted, “Thank you for your concern but constant attention to us only adds to multiple safety issues we’re already facing. Can you please help us out by quite literally giving us the space we need as a family?” Kareena ended with further thanks for reporting during this period from her family along with, “Thank you for understanding us. “

The ever supportive Arjun Kapoor and Konkona Sen also during these protests sided with Kareena in advocacy for her privacy.
