New Delhi: On Tuesday, the Indian Equity markets went deep in the red as BSE Sensex fell more than 800 points and Nifty went below 23,200. There was a huge sell off in heavyweight stocks like Reliance Industries (RIL) Kotak Bank and even Zomato. This sell off was responsible for the overall fall in the market.
Trump’s announcement about trade tariffs on bordering nations shook the global market trade scene, adding more uncertainty on trading and putting considerable pressure on Indian stocks.
With a more than five percent jump today, the India VIX is a manifestation of market volatility which shows a concerning trend for investors in the equity market. Some 27 out of the top 30 stocks are in the red which clearly falls in line with the broader market contention.
Adani Enterprises and Trent found themselves on the major lag list as Nifty slipped below the worrying 23,200 mark. Investor Sentiments are muted as there's a lot of concern about global volatility and economic issues.