Stock Market Crash Today: On Monday, the Indian stock market also slipped amid selling by foreign investors and weakness in Asian markets. Both Sensex and Nifty fell by more than 1 percent. Around 12:15 pm, the BSE Sensex fell 958 points or 1.12 percent to 84,613.83 points. On the other hand, the NSE Nifty fell 275.40 points or 1.05 percent to 25,903.55 points. Why has the stock market fallen today? Know its three major reasons ahead.
3 lakh crore rupees lost
Today, Reliance's share has fallen by about 2.5 percent in the stock market. This has also brought down the Sensex and Nifty. Due to the fall in the stock market today, investors have lost about Rs 3 lakh crore. The market cap of companies listed on BSE has fallen by Rs 3 lakh crore.
The stock market fell due to these reasons
Foreign investors are turning towards China
The Chinese government has announced economic stimulus measures. This has led to foreign institutional investors (FIIs) turning towards China. Today, foreign investors are seen selling in the Indian market.
Israel-Lebanon tensions
The increase in Israeli attacks in Lebanon has increased uncertainty in the global markets. At the same time, oil prices have increased due to increasing concerns about supply. Brent crude futures rose 0.71% and US West Texas Intermediate rose 0.63%.
US data worrying
Stock market investors are also keeping an eye on US data. This includes job opportunities, private hiring numbers, and ISM surveys on manufacturing and services, which are due this week.