On Wednesday, 25 December, a man tried to commit suicide outside the Parliament House in New Delhi. There was a commotion at the spot after this incident. The injured was immediately taken to the hospital. The police team has reached the spot and is engaged in investigation, information is being gathered as to why he did this and what is the reason behind it.
After the incident, security arrangements outside the Parliament building have been further tightened. According to information, the police have also found petrol at the spot, however, the reason why they did this is not yet clear.
— ANI (@ANI)
Petrol has been recovered from the spot
Petrol has been recovered from the spot, which suggests that the incident was pre-planned and executed. The forensic team has reached the spot for investigation. The person who committed suicide has been taken to the hospital in a severely burnt condition where he is being treated.
The reason behind the self-immolation is not known
Police said that the reason behind the self-immolation is not known yet. According to the information that is coming out, this person set himself on fire near Rail Bhavan and then ran towards the Parliament and fell there. A half-burnt note of two pages has been found from the spot which has been taken into custody by the police.
On the other hand, Delhi Police says that 'Today a person named Jitendra, a resident of Baghpat in Uttar Pradesh, set himself on fire at the roundabout of Rail Bhavan. The local police and railway police along with some civil people extinguished the fire and took the person to the hospital. We can understand that the matter is of personal rivalry in Baghpat, further investigation is going on'