
Shri Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj, or Premanand Ji Maharaj as his cirsciples call him, is a beacon of hope to many. His great stories can be seen on Instagram reels and YouTube shorts and can be perfectly related to by so many around the world.

Virat Kohli and Anushka Sharma have great regards for Maharaj and his teaching. This time Anushka during this interaction said that on her first visit, there were so many questions she wanted to ask but maharaj through the conversations held with the other devotees managed to address all her concerns indirectly and she remembers praying to him in most terrible situations and feeling very much at peace and being clear in most of her talks with him since he was the source of strength.

In the documented meeting with Virat Kohli, Said Maharaj, Premeedhow in relation to Premanand Ji, had said Kohli is very passionate about cricket and deeply respects his professions and as a result, he greatly contributes to the progress of the Country. Further, Maharaj talks about Drdhata as Success.

Lessons on Praarabdh, Abhyaas and Drdhata  

While prem andan ji maharaj was addressing the couple, he reasoned how efforts and failure together could enable one to reach their goals, when having a talk, effort And Prarabhd was the theme he took on in his discussion annoyingly. Of this point he said, “Let me clarify this, sometimes you may want something a great deal, like you want to catch a ball but in a fraction of a second , when you have made an effort and shown your willingness the ball simply ceases to be in your hand, that is prarabhd and your ball(condition) could never has been in your hand.”  


Reminded them failure and success are apart of life, it’s worth repeating effort in failure should not be considered an absence of effort, it is simply a way to measure how patient one can be.  

The Pain of Short Successful Life  

Premanand ji maharaj concurs that it is painful to spend a lot of effort only to achieve nothing at the end. However, he says patience is the most important factor , as disciples should concentrate on prayer, believe in the universe and not lose their faith in God.  

“Why Maan Pete coudn’t budo the fragments of joy, the spread of contentment and the consequent peace that this feeling brings to you, truly enigmatice,” he said.  

His teachings greatly lucidify Drdhata,(persistence) Abhyaas(consistent practice) and Praarabdh (fate) and how it all fits in the grand scheme of things.