
After the age of 30, our bones start weakening rapidly, but do you know that this weakness can also be removed? Most people believe that only calcium works to strengthen our bones. If you also think the same, then change your thinking a little. Today we are going to tell you about one such thing, the deficiency of which makes the bones in your body hollow. Due to its deficiency, the risk of osteoporosis, a serious bone disease, also increases significantly. Let's know what is that thing and how to fulfill it.

This thing is necessary for bones.

Let us tell you that the name of this thing necessary for bones is Vitamin D. If there is a deficiency of this in the body, your body is not able to absorb calcium properly, due to which your bones start getting weak. If there is a deficiency of this, your risk of osteoporosis also increases. Due to this, you are also at risk of fracture easily. Not only this, but due to weakness of bones, your body also starts getting weak.

Amount of calcium required by the body

Let us tell you that an adult body needs 1200 milligrams of calcium daily to stay fit. On the other hand, children between the age of height growth i.e. 9 to 18 years need up to 1300 milligrams of calcium. Apart from this, they need foods rich in vitamin D.

Source of Vitamin D

The biggest natural source of vitamin D is sunlight, from which you can get the most and most easily vitamin D. If you sit in the sun for 20 minutes every morning, then there can never be a deficiency of vitamin D in your body. Apart from this, you can also overcome the deficiency of vitamin D by eating milk, soybeans, mushrooms, and eggs.