
Kitchen Foods For Weight Loss: People do everything to lose weight. They try everything from different types of diets to exercise and fat-cutter supplements, but still, they do not see any significant benefit. This is because the most important thing for weight loss is to follow a low-calorie diet. To lose weight, you need to regularly eat 200-300 calories less than your daily calorie intake. Along with this, exercising and including some healthy things in the diet helps you burn extra calories.

Let us tell you that there are some foods which when included in the diet, the speed of burning calories in the body increases significantly. All these foods are a part of all our kitchens. In Ayurveda, they are considered a panacea for weight loss. Health influencer and Ayurvedic physician Dr. Diksha Bhavsar has shared some such foods on social media, which help in rapid weight loss. See the list here.

These foods present in the kitchen will help in weight loss - Kitchen Foods For Weight Loss

According to Dr. Deeksha, these kitchen foods are mentioned in Ayurvedic texts as Medohara i.e. fat fat-burning foods. Along with fat loss, they also help in hormonal balance, improving insulin sensitivity, reducing cholesterol (LDL) and triglycerides, and even lipoma (fat lumps). These foods include,

Indian Gooseberry (Amla)

It balances the three doshas (vata, pitta, and kapha) of the body. It is also an aphrodisiac and energizer in nature. It is considered a very effective medicine for diabetes, hair fall, and acidity. You can take 1 teaspoon of amla with honey on an empty stomach or 1 hour after meals.


Its nature is hot, dry, and piercing. It improves appetite and digestion. Also, helps in balancing Kapha. It is also very good for heart health. Add grated ginger to your herbal tea and drink it 1 hour before or after meals. Drinking it once/twice a day helps in weight loss.


According to Ayurveda, it is the best fat burner. It is sweet in taste, hot and dry in nature, light to digest, and reduces phlegm. It can be consumed first thing in the morning with 1 teaspoon of lukewarm water and lemon.


It is widely known for its healing properties. It is a panacea for reducing body fat. It is also very beneficial for diabetes patients. It nourishes the body, and improves digestion, memory, libido, and physical strength. It also helps in weight loss and managing cholesterol. It can be consumed in the form of barley sattu for weight loss.


It is warm in nature and detoxifying in nature. It helps in cleansing the body's impurities, improving immunity, reducing excess phlegm, and even managing diabetes. You can consume half a teaspoon of turmeric with half a teaspoon of honey or amla on an empty stomach.