
Every organ in our body has its own importance. Therefore, the importance of any organ cannot be underestimated. But when it comes to the spine, its importance is seen the most in the body. Because the entire structure of our body stands with its support. The spine, made up of more than 100 joints, is the main part of the neuro system of our body. Therefore, it becomes very important for us to take care of our spine. Today we are going to tell you 5 such yoga asanas, that help imakeyour spine strong and flexible. Let's know about it in detail...

1. Bhujangasana

To do this asana, spread a mat and lie down upside down. After this, place your hands on the mat and slowly lift the front part of your body up like a snake. After staying in this posture for some time, come back to a normal position. Repeat this process at least 10-20 times. This will make your spine flexible and strong.

2. Marjariasana

It is also known as Cat-Cow Pose. To do this asana, sit in the Vajrasana posture. Now place both your hands on the floor in front. Straighten your thighs upwards and make a 90-degree angle with your knees. After this, take a deep breath and bend your head backward. It involves lifting your spine upwards and pressing it downwards. It strengthens your spine as well as makes it flexible.

3. Bridge Pose

Known as the bridge pose, this asana makes your body flexible as well as improves balance. To do this, you lay a mat and lie straight on it. After this, keep your legs at a 990-degreeangle with the help of knees. After this, you have to try to lift the hips up while keeping the shoulders on the ground. Try to stay in this position for some time. This proves to be a very effective yoga asana for your spine.

4. Gomukhasana

This asana proves to be effective in making your spine and lower body flexible. It is also called a type of Hatha yoga. To do this, sit in Vajrasana and place one leg over the other. After this, keeping your waist straight, try to lock your hands behind you. This is an effective yoga asana in strengthening your spine.

5. Trikonasana

This is known as the triangle pose. You can practice this to make the body flexible and reduce belly fat. For this, stand straight and keep a distance of about 2 feet between your feet. After this, you have to raise your hands straight upwards. Now bend to the right and left while keeping your hands straight. Repeat this process for about 20-30 times.