
The ever-deteriorating diet and lifestyle are becoming the cause of many diseases for us. One of the major reasons is high uric acid. Due to this many people are seen troubled today. If the amount of uric acid in the body starts increasing, then the problem of pain in your joints starts. On taking a high-protein diet, the amount of purine in our body starts increasing. Apart from this, obesity, alcohol, and some medicines also work to increase uric acid. If you want to get rid of uric acid, then you must try these home remedies. Let us know some effective home remedies that can cure this problem of yours.

Home remedies to reduce uric acid - Home Remedies for Uric Acid

drink plenty of water

The easiest way to deal with uric acid is to drink plenty of water. Plenty of water in the body helps remove extra uric acid from the body. Because the work of filtering out uric acid is done by the kidneys. Therefore, water can help us a lot.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is an effective remedy to get rid of high uric acid. The amount of acid present in it works to eliminate your uric acid. It works to break down the crystals of uric acid deposited in your body and eliminate it. For this, drink one teaspoon of apple cider vinegar mixed with water daily.

Remove protein-rich foods from your diet.

If you want to avoid uric acid, you should remove high-protein foods from your diet. Instead, consume citrus fruits and fiber-rich foods. Animal-based protein increases uric acid the most in our body.